
Here’s what some of them have to say about me

I have had the privilege of helping many professionals accomplish their goals.

“As a litigator of complex, high stakes legal cases, I was concerned when elected Chair of the Trial Lawyers of the New York State Bar Association, about having the time and resources to effectively lead and negotiate my new responsibilities. Warren was one of the people I turned to for advice on balance and leadership. As a consequence, my term in office was a tremendous success, my practice thrived and the respect of my peers was augmented. Warren understands strategies of motivation and implementation but more importantly, he has a gift for imparting them to others. I highly recommend his services.”
Evan Goldberg
Partner at Trolman
Glaser & Lichtman
“I have worked with Warren Zenna for many years now. I can attest to the fact that his direct, honest and forthright style isn’t for everybody…………but IS for those people who want to be successful. I have a better business, a happier family and a more fulfilling life because of my work with Warren.”
David Turk
Owner and President
Indiana Market & Catering, New York City
“Warren was instrumental in helping me reassess my business and employees, and determine the necessary steps to continue to grow the business. His objective and experienced guidance was greatly appreciated, especially in a difficult and changing business environment.”
Pam Lawrence
Gibbes Bay Advisors LLC
“Warren has a unique ability to see blind spots. We all have them: those areas in our lives, both in business and personally, that we cannot see ourselves. Maybe we are too close to them or maybe we are not wired that way. Regardless, Warren’s advice, council and coaching is always spot-on and has been instrumental in contributing positively in my life. I first started working with him in the late 90’s, while evaluating a career change. His coaching in that decision and the success in the new position led to two promotions, wild success and some of the best experiences of my professional career. Today, over a decade later, I still utilize one of methods Warren coached me on in that new position. I cannot recommend him highly enough.”
Greg Kasparian
Director of Sales – East Coast
Edge Systems Corporation -Manufacturer of the Hydrafacial
I have known Warren both professionally and personally for over 20 years and can recommend him without hesitation as a business and intellectual resource of the highest caliber. Warren has helped Indigo Productions grow steadily since the early ’90s by successfully completing a wide range of assignments that include: Developing business plans; marketing; client development; writing blogs and articles and speeches; business consulting; personal coaching; website development; brainstorming; and client management. Whenever I have a tough business problem and need a quick and intelligent answer solution, Warren Zenna is my go-to phone call. He’s an all-around smart, creative, and trustworthy guy.
Max Rosen
President & Founder
Indigo Productions
Having Warren as a consultant has been key to the upward mobility of our company. His Keen perception and action based methods can immediately identify weak spots to strengthen. Warren sees the skills and strengths we have and teaches us how to sharpen. Recently our company had a great opportunity to take over a complex multi-scope project, however we needed to turn around a proposal quickly to have the job awarded. After listening to our process Warren was able to provide us a new method of constructing our proposals so that the presentation was not only cleaner and more cohesive, it was faster to produce. We were awarded the project and all parties were impressed with the presentation. We would not have won this project without his guidance and expertise.
Efrain Roman
Enhanced Environments
Warren’s unique strategies and techniques for sales professionals and managers are among the most highly evolved and pragmatic I have seen. His concepts are the perfect balance between pragmatic common sense and value-based philosophy – and should be adopted by any sales organization that is serious about improving the predictability of their sales results.
Jeff Collins
Chief Revenue Officer
Viant, Inc.
We hired Warren to provide strategic guidance and real-world sales training for our US sales operations. Warren’s unique position in the industry, coupled with his own personal success as both a B2B adtech sales person and an executive media buyer made him a perfect messenger to our team. His point of view is spot on – and we saw the difference immediately in how our teams approach selling.
Tim and Chris Vanderhook
CEOs and Founders
Viant, Inc.

I will gladly provide any additional references upon request. My satisfied clients are my best sales tool.